Weekend Writing Opportunity: Charis Review
Here’s another one for the ladies (I’m sorry, it’s the circles I run in). This one has a broad definition of what they’re willing to accept, so it might be a good opportunity to explore something new.
What do we want?
The Charis Review is a multi-media, multi-generational southern feminist response to culture. It is founded on the belief that sharing knowledge is a feminist principle and that swapping stories is an intrinsic aspect of Southern culture. We believe in the value of all forms of culture and media: “high,” “low” and everything in between. This means we want both your poetry and your recipes, your critical essays and your stencils, we are interested in your skills, your passions, the knowledges and stories that enliven your communities and your homes.Some kinds of things we are hoping to publish:
Fiction, Poetry, Essays, Recipes, Original Games, Paper dolls, How-to articles or drawings, Recommended reading lists, Book Reviews, Pop Culture Criticism, Artwork, Articles on how to be an ally, Anti-oppression organizing tips, Interviews, and more….When do we want it?
Please send all submissions for our next Issue to elizabeth@chariscircle.org by no later than January 15, 2009. Please share the love with your friends and community members. We are interested in showcasing the skills and stories of our overlapping communities. The more the merrier!
**Please note: we have received more poetry contributions than anything else so far, which means this category may be somewhat competitive (we want to publish everything but sadly cannot). This also means, we really need to hear from those of you with talents in other categories, especially pieces that are multi-media or d.i.y. (such as art, instructions, activities, stencils, things for coloring in, and so forth).http://www.chariscircle.org/charis_review/charis_review_september_08.html