NaNoWriMo 1,2,3,4 I declare a word war I had a fantastic write-in / word war with my friend today. I’ve never spent that much time writing in one stretch in my life. I also beat my all-time word record: I wrote 7,564 words today in about 5 hours. That’s eleven pages. That’s the size
call for submissions Weekend Writing Opportunity This weekend’s writing opportunity is from GirlChild Press and goes out to all the female writers out there. Michelle Sewell, founder and editor of Girlchild Press, is passionate about bringing diverse, authentic girls’ and women’s voices to the public, AND she’s incredibly interested in fresh, new voices.
NaNoWriMo Ways to Swell Word Count So, I’m still around 10,000 words behind schedule on my NaNo, and what’s worse, I think it’s telling me that it wants to be a short story. Truth be told, I feared this might happen. I want to shake it and say, But I don’t
NaNoWriMo Write or Die This little widget is perfect for the person who needs a little extra motivation to keep the words coming on the page (er, screen). I’m trying to decide whether this would be a help or a hindrance in my NaNoWriMo endeavor. I think I’d be too scared to
NaNoWriMo Mushy Brains You’ll have to forgive whatever happens in this post, for I’ve got rather mushy brains tonight. After too many days of falling behind schedule on my NaNo, I’ve decided to pursue it with renewed vigor, and see if I can hit the desired 30,000 by Wednesday
letters to the editor Weekend Writing Opportunity I apologize for missing a post yesterday; I was on the road and found my internet connection at my destination a little sketchy. Since I’m often out of town on weekends, I’m going to post writing and publishing opportunities every weekend. You can spend all that time you
BiWomen Let's Get Personal The essay I wrote for Bi-Women, “Kids Keep me Kloseted,” will be published in the December newsletter and possibly online. The irony that I’m publishing a piece about being closeted is not lost on me. As I was polishing the article earlier this week, I had a quick moment
article writing Yes, you, too, can publish. Yesterday I got an email from my friend and fellow writer, Jenny Armstrong, with the subject line, “WHOO-HOO!” I knew that a subject line like that could only mean one thing: publication. Much to my delight, I was right. (My writers’ group believes publishing success is contagious, so it’s
Uncategorized In Observance of Veteran's Day I’ve been so busy today that the day was almost over before I could write a brief observance of Veteran’s Day. Although I yearn for the day when we can live without war, my heart and gratitude and compassion goes out to all of those who have served
activism Write for your rights (or anything else that matters to you). I’m back after a wonderful weekend away at the Call to Action (CTA) annual conference. Call to Action is an organization for progressive-minded Catholics. While at the conference, I had the honor of being able to attend sessions led by people who are at the forefront of progressive, theological,
Bi-Women Doesn't self employment rock? The subject line is stolen from a comment on my personal blog, in response to my bit of bragging that I called 438 people on election day to urge them to get out and vote. She was commenting on how it was nice that self-employment allowed me to take a
NaNoWriMo Taking myself less seriously The title of this post is a little ironic, since I actually switched to doing freelance work precisely so I could take myself more seriously when it came to my writing. Not only would I structure my life to be conducive to writing, but I’d also focus on submitting
journaling Writing in Times of Transition I thought I might be the only blogger not writing something related to the election, but I realize that we Americans have been anticipating a time of transition for a long time, and that transition has been finalized tonight with the election of Senator Barack Obama as the president elect.
Bi-Women What I'm up to Now I’m excited to be starting this blog and have decided my first post will be a quick snapshot of what I’m working on right now in my writing and editing life. – I’m working on an article for the Bi-Women Newsletter, due November 15th. – I’m participating for