My Writing Space
Reading that the NaNoWriMo blog* is hosting pictures of writing spaces all throughout August inspired me to take some pictures of mine, humble though it may be. I’ve also been meaning to get photos before I set up a brand new writing space in my new home in six weeks (exciting!!)

My office is small, but generally tidy. I don’t work well in a mess; it’s so distracting that I have to clean up before I can get anything serious done.
Since I have a studio apartment, elements of my office are scattered elsewhere, too — my writing books and magazines are on a bookshelf in what might be called the “kitchen,” and there’s a desk my grandfather made filled with manuscript drafts in the corner behind the desk in my photos. Manuscripts are messy, so that desk stays closed except when I’m retrieving something from it. I look forward to having walls between my rooms again, so that all my writing and working goodies can be with one another–for the first time ever!
* I can’t believe there are only about 90 days till the next NaNoWriMo. I won’t be participating this year because I’ll be in Germany for most of November — but it’s nearness does give me a bit of a kick in the pants to get last year’s NaNo untangled. Sometimes, writing a novel in a month may not be very time-saving at all. 😉