Vote for Me on WattPad!

My time as an “extrovert” writer is coming to a close. Tomorrow, I teach my last class for senior college (wow, did those six weeks go fast!), and by the end of the week, I’ll have arrived in April–that time that, not long ago, loomed as a big void in my writing life, full of, “Well, what’s next?”

I’m still working on submitting Ever This Day. I’ve got a new query package almost ready to go that I’ll probably send out next week. This will be its second time out in the world for representation, but its seventh time out in the word if I count contests and grant applications, too. The latest is the Gatekeeper’s Discovery Writing Awards. I got a late start on this one because — shame on me — I did not read the guidelines as thoroughly as I should have. You see, although the story must be posted by March 30, determination about whether it goes to the next round is accomplished by voting–and a story posted early can garner more votes than those posted late. Well, you live and you learn. And if you’re reading this before March 30, please do take a moment to Vote for Me. 🙂

[The lovely “cover art” is done by my talented sister, Krystl, and it was not designed specifically for this piece. Thus, this angel does not look the way the angel in my story is described, but the trend in YA covers these days is to have them only tangentially related to the content of the book, so I figure I’m ahead of the curve on that one.]

So, what will come next in my writing life? I have plans. Oh, I have plans. But for now, step one is getting a good night’s sleep.